Easter, as established by my mother, is not merely a "Sunday-only" celebration. It lasts the whole weekend and we love it! Actually, the kids started with an egg hunt during their class on Thursday at church. No photos, but they got plenty of goodies! Then, on Friday, Josie and I worked on perfecting a special project that I will share about in another post. Saturday we put together the Easter baskets, laid out
every one's clothes and cleaned house. I had so much fun putting together the kids' Easter baskets. Joel helped with a few special touches- can you tell which item is from him?

My cheese head on Easter morning. We surprised the kids with their baskets and DONUTS! Joel made a special early morning trip to pick them up so they would be fresh. Honestly, I think Josie might have been a little more excited over the donuts than the basket!

Carson was thrilled with his basket. If you don't follow me on
Facebook, then you may not know that he broke his elbow on the 16
th. We thought they would cast it on Monday and everything would be fine. Well, to make a long story short, they decided he needed emergency surgery to have pins put in on the18th. He had a splint that was HUGE and a sling that he had to wear all last week-of course, just in time for Easter!

The big basket surprise was games for the Nintendo
DS's! Aunt Robyn generously supplied Carson with one when we saw her at my mom's last month and he hasn't had any of his own games. He was so pleased! Clearly, it is difficult to get a photo of Josie in the morning where she is
not making a goofy face...

Easter clothes! I know, Carson looks ridiculous. But his splint was so big that he could only wear sleeveless shirts and I couldn't do that on Easter! It was cold and snowy, so I wanted him to be warm. He was fine with it, and it will certainly be memorable in the years to come. Jocelyn, of course, had to have a new "princess" dress. She also had new high heels- she was thrilled!

After church and lunch (at the Black-Eyed Pea-yum!) we invited our friends, the
Fletchers, over for the afternoon. Despite the weather, the kids were anxious to hunt eggs outside.
Kegan, my friend's son, was so cute! Every egg he found he put in Carson's basket. Despite my careful planning so that each child would have the same goodies and an equal number of eggs, the all ended up in Carson's basket! Carson's arm didn't slow him down for a minute- he raced around scooping up eggs with the best of them.

Carson even helped Jocelyn find some of her eggs. She raced her friend
Bekah to see who could find all their eggs first.

Josie, slightly dismayed that
Bekah won. Still everyone had a good time.

Carson demanded that I take a picture of, "me and my big daddy". Notice the sword? This is Carson's new favorite pose, and I won't deny it-it is pretty darn cute to see both my boys smiling together. We ended the day by eating candy, having a
barbecue and finishing that project I mentioned earlier. It was a great day.

On Monday, we incorporated eggs into school. Carson divided all the eggs by color and Jocelyn used them as
manipulatives for counting by ten. It was a big hit.

Then, of course, we dyed eggs! After dinner we let the little artists loose. Everyone wore their best-ha!

Daddy assisted one-armed Carson. Carson loved seeing the eggs change from white to colorful.

Who needs two hands? Carson can skillfully display his favorite eggs with just one!

Even Joel got in on the fun. He dyed his egg four different colors! So very clever...

Jocelyn put some wraps on her eggs to make them more special. She was so careful with her eggs, and she liked experimenting to see what combining different colors produced. She is our little scientist.

The finished creations. Aren't they beautiful?
A pretty traditional Easter, but it made everyone happy. I like stretching a celebration out- it is nice not to feel pressured to do everything all at once. And especially since the kids are still young, it keeps them interested prevents them from getting too tired. Okay, maybe it really just keeps me from getting too tired!
So very cute. I love Josie's dress. Very princess!!!
ReplyDeleteJosie was SO adorable! I think you did a lovely job of stretching things out. I think for kids that young it's *definitely* beneficial. And I can't wait until Connor is old enough to dye eggs~It's one of my favorite memories. That and of course the Easter basket! So many fun things to come :)
ReplyDeleteOh my I miss you and the kids so much! Josie is absolutely adorable in her beautiful princess dress and I love Carson's big smile. You definitely inherited mom's gift of doing holidays up right. :)
ReplyDeleteYou are such a Martha! how do you do it?
Great to see the Kids all grown up I can't believe how quick time flies. I enjoy reading about all your fun projects.
Hope Carson has a speedy recovery. Milo tore his Achilles tendon and has surgery Thursday...No fun
Keep up the great work! You are a super Mom!